Algemene informatie
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau II : redelijk eenvoudig
Stemverdeling: SSSAA
Alle materialen (PDF + MP3 pakketten) binnen 1 minuut in je mail-box
Uitgevoerd door Foreigner
Gearrangeerd door Roel Griffioen
Bij elke bestelling worden ook alle oefen MP3 bestanden meegeleverd !
Na internetbetaling worden PDF en MP3 bestanden meteen naar je mailadres gestuurd
Wat ontvang ik in mijn mail na bestelling?
- PDF: SSSAA vocals acappella
- MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
- Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
You're as cold as ice
You're willing to sacrifice our love
You never take advice
Someday you'll pay the price
I know
I've seen it before
It happens all the time
You're closing the door
You leave the world behind
You're digging for gold
Yet throwing away
A fortune in feelings
But someday you'll pay
You're as cold as ice
You're willing to sacrifice our love
You want Paradise
But someday you'll pay the price
I know
I've seen it before
It happens all the time
You're closing the door
You leave the world behind
You're digging for gold
Yet throwing away
A fortune in feelings
But someday you'll pay
Cold as ice, you know that you are
Cold, cold, as, as, ice, as cold as ice to me
Cold, cold, as, as, ice
Ooh, ooh, ooh, cold as, cold as ice
You're as cold as ice
You're as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know
You're as cold as ice, yes I know
You're as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know
You're as cold as ice, oh yes I know
You're as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know
You're as cold as ice, oh yes I know
You're as cold as ice, cold as ice
WEES EERLIJK met het kiezen van het aantal koorleden ! Alle prijzen (incl. BTW) gelden voor het standaard PDF + mp3 pakket. De totaalprijs is gebaseerd op het maximum van de groepsgrootte.Cold as Ice
- binnen 1 minuut in je mailbox
- klantbeoordeling van 9.6 / 10
- 100% legaal
Deel dit arrangement met je mede koorleden!
Delen via WhatsAppVocalTracks beschikbaar
$ 35.-
Naast het standaard pakket (PDF en oefenmp3’s met MIDI-geluiden) kan je voor $ 35.- het VocalTrack pakket bijbestellen. Hierin zijn alle afzonderlijke stemmen door professionals ingezongen. Superhandig voor het instuderen!
Algemene informatie
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau II : redelijk eenvoudig
Stemverdeling: SSSAA
Alle materialen (PDF + MP3 pakketten) binnen 1 minuut in je mail-box
Uitgevoerd door Foreigner
Gearrangeerd door Roel Griffioen
Bij elke bestelling worden ook alle oefen MP3 bestanden meegeleverd !
Na internetbetaling worden PDF en MP3 bestanden meteen naar je mailadres gestuurd
Wat ontvang ik in mijn mail na bestelling?
- PDF: SSSAA vocals acappella
- MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
- Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
You're as cold as ice
You're willing to sacrifice our love
You never take advice
Someday you'll pay the price
I know
I've seen it before
It happens all the time
You're closing the door
You leave the world behind
You're digging for gold
Yet throwing away
A fortune in feelings
But someday you'll pay
You're as cold as ice
You're willing to sacrifice our love
You want Paradise
But someday you'll pay the price
I know
I've seen it before
It happens all the time
You're closing the door
You leave the world behind
You're digging for gold
Yet throwing away
A fortune in feelings
But someday you'll pay
Cold as ice, you know that you are
Cold, cold, as, as, ice, as cold as ice to me
Cold, cold, as, as, ice
Ooh, ooh, ooh, cold as, cold as ice
You're as cold as ice
You're as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know
You're as cold as ice, yes I know
You're as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know
You're as cold as ice, oh yes I know
You're as cold as ice, cold as ice, I know
You're as cold as ice, oh yes I know
You're as cold as ice, cold as ice