Algemene informatie
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau II: Redelijk eenvoudig
Stemverdeling: Solo(tenor) SMATB
Gezongen door Ellie Goulding (arrangement zoals gezongen door VoiceMale)
Gearrangeerd door Jo Annemans
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- PDF: Solo(Tenor) SMATB
- MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
- Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
IntroVerse 1a
We, we don't have to worry 'bout nothing, ‘cause we got the fire,
and we burn one hell of something
Verse 1b
They, they’re gonna see us from out of space, out of space , Light it up,
like we're the stars of a human race, human race
Chorus 1a
When the lights turn’d down, they don't know what they heard
Strike the match, play it loud, givin’ love to the world
We'll be raisin’our hands, shinin’up to the sky
‘Cause we got the fire, fire, fire
Yeah we got the fire, fire, fire
Chorus 1b
And we’re gonna let it burn, we’re gonna let it burn (2x)
Verse 2a
We don't wanna leave, no, we just wanna be right now, right now
And what we see, is everybody on the floor acting
crazy getting loco ‘ntill the lights out
verse 2b
Music is on, I'm waking up, we stop the vibe, then we bump it up,
And it's over now, yeah we got the love.
There's no sleepin’ now
Chorus 2a
When the lights turn’d down, they don't know what they heard
Strike the match, play it loud, givin’ love to the world
Chorus 2b
And we’re gonna let it burn, we’re gonna let it burn (2x)
And we can light it
Up, up, up, so they can put it. Out , out, out we can light it
Up, up, up, so they can put it. Out, out, out ,
Chorus 3a = Chorus 1a
Chorus 3b = Chorus 1b
Chorus 4a
+ And we’re gonna let it burn
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Ellie Goulding
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Algemene informatie
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau II: Redelijk eenvoudig
Stemverdeling: Solo(tenor) SMATB
Gezongen door Ellie Goulding (arrangement zoals gezongen door VoiceMale)
Gearrangeerd door Jo Annemans
Bij elke bestelling worden ook alle oefen MP3 bestanden meegeleverd !
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- PDF: Solo(Tenor) SMATB
- MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
- Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
IntroVerse 1a
We, we don't have to worry 'bout nothing, ‘cause we got the fire,
and we burn one hell of something
Verse 1b
They, they’re gonna see us from out of space, out of space , Light it up,
like we're the stars of a human race, human race
Chorus 1a
When the lights turn’d down, they don't know what they heard
Strike the match, play it loud, givin’ love to the world
We'll be raisin’our hands, shinin’up to the sky
‘Cause we got the fire, fire, fire
Yeah we got the fire, fire, fire
Chorus 1b
And we’re gonna let it burn, we’re gonna let it burn (2x)
Verse 2a
We don't wanna leave, no, we just wanna be right now, right now
And what we see, is everybody on the floor acting
crazy getting loco ‘ntill the lights out
verse 2b
Music is on, I'm waking up, we stop the vibe, then we bump it up,
And it's over now, yeah we got the love.
There's no sleepin’ now
Chorus 2a
When the lights turn’d down, they don't know what they heard
Strike the match, play it loud, givin’ love to the world
Chorus 2b
And we’re gonna let it burn, we’re gonna let it burn (2x)
And we can light it
Up, up, up, so they can put it. Out , out, out we can light it
Up, up, up, so they can put it. Out, out, out ,
Chorus 3a = Chorus 1a
Chorus 3b = Chorus 1b
Chorus 4a
+ And we’re gonna let it burn