Algemene informatie
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau III: Gemiddeld
Stemverdeling: TTBarBB
Uitgevoerd door Queen
Gearrangeerd door Stefan Flügel
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Na betaling worden de PDF en MP3 bestanden meteen naar je mailadres gestuurd
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- PDF: TTBarBB acappella
- MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
- Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
Radio Ga GaA: (intro)
I'd sit alone and watch your light,
my only friend through teenage nights.
And ev'rything I had to know
I heard it on my radio.
You gave them all those old time stars,
through wars of worlds invaded by Mars.
You made 'em laugh, you made 'em cry,
you made us feel like we could fly. (radio)
So don't become some background noise,
a backdrop for the girls and boys
who just don't know or just don't care,
and just complain when you're not there.
You had your time, you had your power,
you've yet to have your finest hour.
Radio. Radio.
All we hear is Radio ga ga,
Radio goo goo, Radio ga ga.
All we hear is Radio ga ga, Radio blah blah.
Radio what's new?
Radio someone still loves you!
F: (interlude)
We watch the shows, we watch the stars,
on videos for hours and hours.
We hardly need to use our ears.
How music changes through the years.
Let's hope you never leave old friend.
Like all good things on you we depend.
So stick around 'cause we might miss you
when we grow tired of all those visuals.
You had your time, you had your power,
you've yet to have your finest hour.
Radio. Radio.
All we hear is Radio ga ga,
Radio goo goo, Radio ga ga.
All we hear is Radio ga ga,
Radio goo goo, Radio ga ga.
All we hear is Radio ga ga, Radio blah blah.
Radio what's new?
Radio someone still loves you!
J: (instrumental)
You had your time, you had your power,
you've yet to have your finest hour.
All we hear is Radio ga ga,
Radio goo goo, Radio ga ga.
All we hear is Radio ga ga, Radio blah blah.
Radio what's new?
Radio someone still loves you!
WEES EERLIJK met het kiezen van het aantal koorleden ! Alle prijzen (incl. BTW) gelden voor het standaard PDF + mp3 pakket. De totaalprijs is gebaseerd op het maximum van de groepsgrootte.Radio Ga Ga
- binnen 1 minuut in je mailbox
- klantbeoordeling van 9.6 / 10
- 100% legaal
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Naast het standaard pakket (PDF en oefenmp3’s met MIDI-geluiden) kan je voor $ 35.- het VocalTrack pakket bijbestellen. Hierin zijn alle afzonderlijke stemmen door professionals ingezongen. Superhandig voor het instuderen!
Algemene informatie
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau III: Gemiddeld
Stemverdeling: TTBarBB
Uitgevoerd door Queen
Gearrangeerd door Stefan Flügel
Bij elke bestelling worden ook alle oefen MP3 bestanden meegeleverd !
Na betaling worden de PDF en MP3 bestanden meteen naar je mailadres gestuurd
Wat ontvang ik in mijn mail na bestelling?
- PDF: TTBarBB acappella
- MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
- Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
Radio Ga GaA: (intro)
I'd sit alone and watch your light,
my only friend through teenage nights.
And ev'rything I had to know
I heard it on my radio.
You gave them all those old time stars,
through wars of worlds invaded by Mars.
You made 'em laugh, you made 'em cry,
you made us feel like we could fly. (radio)
So don't become some background noise,
a backdrop for the girls and boys
who just don't know or just don't care,
and just complain when you're not there.
You had your time, you had your power,
you've yet to have your finest hour.
Radio. Radio.
All we hear is Radio ga ga,
Radio goo goo, Radio ga ga.
All we hear is Radio ga ga, Radio blah blah.
Radio what's new?
Radio someone still loves you!
F: (interlude)
We watch the shows, we watch the stars,
on videos for hours and hours.
We hardly need to use our ears.
How music changes through the years.
Let's hope you never leave old friend.
Like all good things on you we depend.
So stick around 'cause we might miss you
when we grow tired of all those visuals.
You had your time, you had your power,
you've yet to have your finest hour.
Radio. Radio.
All we hear is Radio ga ga,
Radio goo goo, Radio ga ga.
All we hear is Radio ga ga,
Radio goo goo, Radio ga ga.
All we hear is Radio ga ga, Radio blah blah.
Radio what's new?
Radio someone still loves you!
J: (instrumental)
You had your time, you had your power,
you've yet to have your finest hour.
All we hear is Radio ga ga,
Radio goo goo, Radio ga ga.
All we hear is Radio ga ga, Radio blah blah.
Radio what's new?
Radio someone still loves you!