Algemene informatie
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau III: gemiddeld
Stemverdeling: SSAATB (incl. piano-combo)
Uitgevoerd door Train
Gearrangeerd door Frank de Vreeze
Bij elke bestelling worden ook alle oefen MP3 bestanden meegeleverd !
Dit arrangement is tevens voorzien van een professionele orkestband: Net als alle andere koor-combo arrangementen van onze catalogus kan je ook dit arrangement uitvoeren zonder pianist of combo.
Na betaling worden de PDF en MP3 bestanden meteen naar je mailadres gestuurd
Wat ontvang ik in mijn mail na bestelling?
- PDF: SSAATB vocals
- PDF: SSAATB met piano (piano eenvoudig/gevorderd, we bieden 2 varianten)
- PDF: SSAATB met groot combo incl. C , Bb of Eb instrument
- PDF: SSAATB met klein combo
- PDF: Leadsheet: melodie met tekst en akkoordsymbolen erboven
- PDF: Losse partijen (drums, basgitaar, synthesizer, piano eenvoudig, piano gevorderd, etc.)
- MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
- MP3: Professionele orkestband (begeleiding als er géén piano/combo voorhanden is)
- Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey
She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there's time a to change, hey, hey
Since the return from her stay on the moon
She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey
Tell me did you sail across the sun
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated
Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there
Now that she's back from that soul vacation
Tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey
She checks out Mozart while she does Tae-Bo
Reminds me that there's room to grow, hey, hey
Now that she's back in the atmosphere
I'm afraid that she might think of me as plain ol' Jane
Told a story ???bout a man who was too afraid to fly so he never did land
But tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you fin'lly get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the Milky Way
And tell me, did Venus blow your mind
Was it ev'rything you wanted to find
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there
Can you imagine no love, pride, deep fried chick
Your best friend always sticking up for you... even when I know you're wrong
Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance five-hour phone
conversation , the best soy latte that you ever had... and me
But tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you fin'lly get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the Milky Way
Tell me did you sail across the sun
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated
Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there
Na, na??? and did you fin'lly get the chance to dance along the light of day ?
Na, na??? and did you fall for a shooting star
Na, na??? And now you're only looking for yourself out there.
WEES EERLIJK met het kiezen van het aantal koorleden ! Alle prijzen (incl. BTW) gelden voor het standaard PDF + mp3 pakket. De totaalprijs is gebaseerd op het maximum van de groepsgrootte.Drops of Jupiter
- binnen 1 minuut in je mailbox
- klantbeoordeling van 9.6 / 10
- 100% legaal
Deel dit arrangement met je mede koorleden!
Delen via WhatsAppVocalTracks beschikbaar
$ 35.-
Naast het standaard pakket (PDF en oefenmp3’s met MIDI-geluiden) kan je voor $ 35.- het VocalTrack pakket bijbestellen. Hierin zijn alle afzonderlijke stemmen door professionals ingezongen. Superhandig voor het instuderen!
Algemene informatie
Op een schaal van I - V is dit arrangement niveau III: gemiddeld
Stemverdeling: SSAATB (incl. piano-combo)
Uitgevoerd door Train
Gearrangeerd door Frank de Vreeze
Bij elke bestelling worden ook alle oefen MP3 bestanden meegeleverd !
Dit arrangement is tevens voorzien van een professionele orkestband: Net als alle andere koor-combo arrangementen van onze catalogus kan je ook dit arrangement uitvoeren zonder pianist of combo.
Na betaling worden de PDF en MP3 bestanden meteen naar je mailadres gestuurd
Wat ontvang ik in mijn mail na bestelling?
- PDF: SSAATB vocals
- PDF: SSAATB met piano (piano eenvoudig/gevorderd, we bieden 2 varianten)
- PDF: SSAATB met groot combo incl. C , Bb of Eb instrument
- PDF: SSAATB met klein combo
- PDF: Leadsheet: melodie met tekst en akkoordsymbolen erboven
- PDF: Losse partijen (drums, basgitaar, synthesizer, piano eenvoudig, piano gevorderd, etc.)
- MP3: Oefenmp3's van elke stemgroep voor thuisstudie (MIDI, dus niet ingezongen)
- MP3: Professionele orkestband (begeleiding als er géén piano/combo voorhanden is)
- Alle materialen zijn met zorg samengesteld en klaar voor gebruik
Now that she's back in the atmosphere
With drops of Jupiter in her hair, hey, hey
She acts like summer and walks like rain
Reminds me that there's time a to change, hey, hey
Since the return from her stay on the moon
She listens like spring and she talks like June, hey, hey
Tell me did you sail across the sun
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated
Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there
Now that she's back from that soul vacation
Tracing her way through the constellation, hey, hey
She checks out Mozart while she does Tae-Bo
Reminds me that there's room to grow, hey, hey
Now that she's back in the atmosphere
I'm afraid that she might think of me as plain ol' Jane
Told a story ???bout a man who was too afraid to fly so he never did land
But tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you fin'lly get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the Milky Way
And tell me, did Venus blow your mind
Was it ev'rything you wanted to find
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there
Can you imagine no love, pride, deep fried chick
Your best friend always sticking up for you... even when I know you're wrong
Can you imagine no first dance, freeze dried romance five-hour phone
conversation , the best soy latte that you ever had... and me
But tell me did the wind sweep you off your feet
Did you fin'lly get the chance to dance along the light of day
And head back to the Milky Way
Tell me did you sail across the sun
Did you make it to the Milky Way to see the lights all faded
And that heaven is overrated
Tell me, did you fall for a shooting star
One without a permanent scar
And did you miss me while you were looking for yourself out there
Na, na??? and did you fin'lly get the chance to dance along the light of day ?
Na, na??? and did you fall for a shooting star
Na, na??? And now you're only looking for yourself out there.